The 2005 triathlon season changed my life. It was my first everything -first triathlon, first athletic competition, first time I had a coach for anything, first time I ran a mile in my life (January 2005), the first time I decided my body wasn't that bad. 2005 ended up being the best year of my life, so far anyway. In December 2004 I turned 30. A close friend had recently passed away. I discovered I had very high cholesterol and knew I was somewhat overweight and generally inactive. Suddenly, my mortality seemed very real. My New Year's resolution was to get in shape and lose 20 pounds. I never anticipated that while pursuing that goal I would find out that I had an inner athlete in me yelling to come out. I joined the Chico Women's Tri Club and was inspired by the variety of women, who range in age from their mid-twenties to sixty-eight. My first triathlon season changed me. I feel stronger (in so many ways), more complete, less stressed, and more at ease with myself. I wasn't very fast (I completed three sprints), but I sure tried hard and learned an amazing amount. My club and our coach helped me immeasurably and I hope I can make them proud by shaving lots of time off my races in my second triathlon season - 2006!
