Kai and Glynn cycle past Lake Hodges near in perfect February weather in San Diego.
Kai, Faris and Glynn after Faris' Lectures to Multisport Campers from around the world. One of the ladies in the audience asked a very serious question following a chat about nutrition...Faris: Any more questions? Female Multisport Camper: What's your phone number? He answered. 0113943123343565634256645912346545. We're kidding. Don't dial that.

Ohhhhh Faris...

Faris signing Triathlete Magazine.
Multisports Camp lecture in San Diego

Derek and Xterra Legend, Senior Jimmy Riccitello.
Multisports Campers following the track workout, running drills and transition drills.
Paul Huddle checking the mock transition area, to see whose shoes he should hide.
Triathlete investor Matt Barger leads the lineup for the drills lead by Heather Fuhr and Roch Frey.

The Track at UCSD under the early morning fog.

Can you find Michellie Jones in this photo?
Paul Huddle and his shadow bringing the campers Gatorade.

Paul Huddle calling a silly 900# to vent about Roch's cycling shoes.
Danny Abshire, the orthotic shoe miracle worker to star athletes world wide, holding a model of his specialized foot orthotic for athletes and runners. Many of the top pros and age-groupers swear by his amazing, unique foot technologies, for increased power and injury repair and prevention. Check out the web site and if you contact him - tell him Mitch Thrower sent you! http://www.custominsoles.com/