1. It is all about having fun. Or, do you plan on making it to the Olympic team?
2. Swapping the weekly track sessions in January and February (through 2 hours of night skiing) will improve your running abilities. :-)
3. Ironmans, Infernos and Gigathlons do not come easy. Several of my friends had to learn this lesson.
4. My Cervélo Soloist (Bicycle) is exactly as fast my P3… even on a flat course.
5. There is life after this sport… Do not try to beat your best times after retirement: Let it go!
6. Snow is only frozen water; however, running shoes have their limits in this white element. I explored this phenomena while hiking towards the finish line during the Inferno Triathlon (the finish line is on a mountain summit @ 3000m above sea level).
7. Even the best Pearl Izumi bike shorts don’t survive every mountain bike crash (especially when the unwanted airtime is dramatically increased)!
8. My most successful carbo-loading was a family size pizza and several beers (pasta is not everything).
9. The best fitting aero bar in the world is your very own modified/built creation.
10. Offroad or onroad… that is the question.
11. Triathlons are still about having fun. Are you now on the Olympic team?