A few months ago, Stephen Patterson, who attended my undergraduate university -- Saint Lawrence - contacted me for some advice for his first Ironman in Lake Placid, I sent him some thoughts and tips - here is the e-mail he sent me after the event...

Wow...is the only way to describe this past Sunday's race. I'm not sure if it has actually hit me that I completed an Ironman, but the way my legs feel is a pretty good indication of it. The few days leading up to race day were incredible and very stressful from all the meetings and check-ins to even studying the weather map with fingers crossed.
The weather Saturday before the race didn't help the stress level - frantically constructing a makeshift rain coat for my bike in the pouring rain and running around in the "swamp" that the transition area had become; plus it was hard to check out everyone's bikes hidden under tarps. Surprisingly, I had a great night of sleep the night before the race but woke up to continued drizzle. I was nervous for the first time as I walked from the transition area to the start of the swim, but once I put on my wetsuit and headed into the water I became quite calm despite everything around me.

The rain stopped and the sun came out half way through the bike, and by the time the bike portion was finished it had become a truly great day for racing. By the time I hit the marathon I was feeling pretty good - I think I nailed my pacing and nutrition perfectly and I was faster than I had expected on the first lap, but I was starting to hurt pretty good.

Thanks again,
Stephen Patterson